Cobra Youth Leadership Committee (CYLC)
Q: What is the CYLC?
A: CYLC stands for Cobras Youth Leadership Committee
Q: What does the CYLC do?
A: This committee combines all of the efforts of a traditional student council, the UNESCO committee, Sources of Strength, Green Crew and our new Outdoor Revitalization Project. We plan spirit activities, dress up days, fundraisers and awareness campaigns, social justice activities, cultural activities, and environmental projects.
Q: What if I’m only interested in one of the sub-groups?
A: Everyone meets as a large group to share what events are coming up and to see what everyone else is planning. Then you can choose to get involved wherever you would like. You might choose to be involved with SOS or UNESCO activities, or spirit planning, or you might want to join student council – or you might want to do several different things. It’s up to you!
Q: When do we meet? What type of commitment is involved?
A: The CYLC usually meets once a month as a whole group, then branches off into smaller groups to plan activities and events. Your level of involvement will depend on your interests and how many committees you would like to be part of.
Q: Who can join the CYLC?
A: Any Grade 5-12 students interested are welcome to join the committee.
Q: Who should join the CYLC?
A: Anyone who has an interest in leadership, social justice, environmental issues, school spirit and student voice should be a part of the CYLC. We welcome all young leaders who want to make a difference!
Sources of Strength at ECS:
Watch this short video to see what we're all about!
CYLC Committee 2022-2023
Check out what we did last year: