Career Planning
How can a career counsellor help you?
Career counsellors assist students in understanding their choices for post secondary education and career training. Career counselling assists students regarding high school program planning such as course and program selection and career pathways, timetabling and scheduling, post‐secondary application process and information.
Career counsellors also liaise with community leaders, businesses and post‐secondary institutions;
Build partnerships with post‐secondary and other career development providers
Facilitate and supervise credit for employment and community service credits
Promote the High School Apprenticeship Program available to students
Facilitate safety training sessions in partnership with the Safe Workers for Tomorrow
Complete and submit WCB registration for students
If you are needing any assistance with career planning and post secondary opportunities, please connect with Mrs. Godard or the admin team.
Career Planning
At ECS we are pleased to offer a wide range of courses for such a small school. Besides the compulsory courses, there are many options available through online AP courses, ACE business courses, voluntary credits, STRIVE options and CFEs. We encourage students to take as many courses as possible to ensure a full timetable and keep all options open. In order to graduate in Manitoba, students must achieve 30 credits, but many of our students graduate with more than that.
Some of our students have taken Independent Study Option (ISO) courses. This used to be through the Distance Education department, which no longer offers those courses. At times we may administer and mark an ISO course in-house for students who require a credit that we do not offer at ECS, but otherwise we would encourage students to take courses that are offered in the timetable.