Advanced Placement Courses

Advanced Placement Program

The Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers students a challenging and rigorous course of study across different curriculum.

Students should have a strong work ethic and desire to learn, and they should engage in meaningful discussion with their teachers before deciding to pursue these options.  AP course are offered in the 9th through 12th grades.

Advanced Placement courses give students the opportuny to pursue college-level studies while in high school and potentially to receive college credit.  AP Courses are open to any student who wishes to enroll.  ALL AP students must take teh examination at the end of the course.  It is the score on this exam that determines whether or not a student receives college credit in their Advanced Placement course.  Students may take any combination of AP courses.  Parents/Guardians are encourage to engage their students in whether this is correct course of study for them.

Advanced Placement

Course Descriptions

Advanced Placement English Language and  Composition
Grade level: 10 or 11
Credit: 1 English credit
Prerequisite: English 2 Honors

Designed to develop the student’s grammar and writing skills and increase awareness of style and rhetoric. Composition emphasis is on expository, analytical, and argumentative  essays. Students write many timed essays in  preparation for the AP exam that is given free  to AP students. Teacher recommendation is  encouraged; a high level of success in prior English courses is a marker of success in this course.

Advanced Placement Literature and  Composition
Grade level: 11 or 12
Credit: 1 English credit
Prerequisite: English 3 Honors or Eng IB  or AP Lang 

Designed to involve students in the study of  composition and literature at the college  level. Students read and write essays on  selected classics from world literature;  consequently, they must possess strong skills in analytical reading and written  expression. Students write many timed  essays in class in preparation for the AP  Exam, which is given free to AP students.  Teacher recommendation is  encouraged; a high level of success in prior English courses is a marker of success in this course.

Advanced Placement Calculus (AB) with AP Calculus AB Seminar
3199H2HW and 417002AW
Grade Level: 11 or 12 
Credit: 2 credits (1 Honors credit, 1 AP Credit)
Prerequisite: Precalculus Honors

This course follows the Advanced Placement  Mathematics Program for Calculus  prescribed by the College Board. The study  of calculus involves two major topics: the  processes of differentiation and integration  and their applications in solving problems. A  graphing calculator is required. Students  must take the AP exam. 

Advanced Placement Calculus (BC)
Grade Level: 11 or 12
Credit: 1 Math credit
Prerequisite: AB Calculus AB 

This course follows the AP Mathematics  Program prescribed by College Board and  provides students with a learning experience  equivalent to a full-year college course in  single variable calculus. It emphasizes a  multi-representational approach to calculus,  with concepts, results and problems  expressed graphically, numerically,  analytically, and verbally. A graphing  calculator is required. Students must take  the AP exam. 

Advanced Placement Statistics
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Credit: 1 Math credit
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 Honors and recommended Probability &  Statistics Honors

Follows the AP Mathematics Program  prescribed by College Board. Equivalent to  introductory college statistics which is  typically required for majors in social  sciences, health science and business and is  effective preparation for upper-level statistics  usually required for science, engineering and  math majors. Introduces students to  concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing  and drawing conclusions from data. A  graphing calculator is required. Students  must take the AP exam.

Advanced Placement United States History and Constitution
Grade Level: 10 or 11
Credit: 1 Social Studies credit
Prerequisite: US Government Honors & Economics and Personal Finance Honors

An intensive study of United States history  and involves critical analysis, interpretation,  and extensive reading. Specific emphasis  will be placed on social, economic, and  political trends of the United States in foreign  and domestic affairs. This course should be  taken by a student who is highly self motivated with strong reading and writing  skills. Students must take the AP Exam.
The state US History End of Course Exam  will be given at the completion of this course.

Advanced Placement Human Geography
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Credit: 1 Social Studies elective credit
Prerequisite: US Government Honors & Economics and Personal Finance Honors

A study of people, events, problems ideas  and cultures significant in the history of our  community, state, nation and world.  Students demonstrate the interrelationships  among people, places and environments.  Students will take the AP exam. 

Advanced Placement US Government
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Credit: 1 Social Studies elective credit
Prerequisite: US Government Honors & Economics and Personal Finance Honors

AP US Government is a college level  introductory course on United States  Government and Politics. This course will  focus on the Constitution; political beliefs and  behaviors; political parties, interest groups,  and mass media; the Congress, presidency,  bureaucracy, and the federal courts; public  policy; and civil rights and liberties. Students  will take the AP Exam 

Advanced Placement Psychology
Grade Level: 11 or 12
Credit: 2 Social Studies elective credits
Prerequisite: Honors English  and Honors Social Studies 

Designed to introduce students to the  systematic and scientific study of the  behavior and mental processes of human  beings and other animals. Students are  exposed to the psychological facts,  principles, and phenomena associated with  each of the major subfields within psychology. Students also learn about the  ethics and methods psychologists use in  their science and practice. Students will take  the AP exam for potential college credit. 

Advanced Placement Studio Art: Drawing
357202AW & 4599C2HW
Grade level: 11 or 12
Credit: 2 elective credits
Prerequisite: Art 2 and instructor permission

College level course & credit . Year long. Art 1 and 2 are prerequisites.  In this course you’ll experiment with a variety of materials and processes as you develop your drawing skills. At the end of the course you’ll submit a portfolio that demonstrates the different drawing abilities taught in the course, which include mark-making, line, surface, space, light and shade, and composition.

 Advanced Placement 2D Art
Grade level: 11 or 12
Credit: 2 elective credits
Prerequisite: Art 2 and instructor permission

In AP 2-D Art and Design you’ll develop skills using materials and processes such as graphic design, photography, collage, printmaking, fashion illustration, and others. As the course concludes you’ll submit a portfolio that demonstrates your ability to practice, experiment, and revise your own work while communicating your ideas about art and design.

Advanced Placement 3D Art
Grade level: 11 or 12
Credit: 2 elective credits
Prerequisite: Art 2 and instructor permission

In AP 3-D Art and Design you’ll learn how to create art in different disciplines such as sculpture, architectural rendering, metal work, ceramics, and others. At the end of the course you’ll submit a portfolio that demonstrates your knowledge of art skills using three-dimensional materials.