
In this section a homework is provided to reinforce the learned materials of this section about Tableau Desktop software. In fact, in order to re-examine our learned materials, for completing this homework, you need to download this dataset from of COVID-19 at the country level of the whole world: https://covid.ourworldindata.org/data/owid-covid-data.xlsx from Our World in Data repository.

Homework's dataset

COVID-19 at the country level of the whole world: https://covid.ourworldindata.org/data/owid-covid-data.xlsx from Our World in Data repository


Upload the new dataset given in this homework from Our World in Data repository into the Tableau Desktop. Now follow this procedure and save the results in each section:

  1. Create a dynamic subset of your data based on continent field and choose North America in this subset. Then visualize the total cases, new cases, total deaths, new deaths based on mode of In/Out that visualize the North America and rest of the world as well as detail members in this subset for locations belong to North America.

  2. Use table calculations to create 3-days and 7-days time windows. Create a parameter to be able to switch between 3-days and 7-days moving averages types. Now, define a third calculated field that could handle both 3-days and 7-days time windows simultaneously. Finally, visualize the 3-days and 7-days moving averages in a single view.

  3. Create a parameter the slices the dates on a monthly basis and visualize the total cases of the whole world in a map that the date for the visualization could be controlled by the created parameter in this section.

  4. Use statistics and forecasting to visualize the forecasted the total cases and new cases across the North America continent and the United States of America country.

  5. Create informative story (hint: you need to create dashboards first) that shows the moving averages of total cases and new cases as well as their forecasts extracted from the previous sections in this homework.