
In this section a homework is provided to reinforce the learned materials of this section about Tableau Desktop software. In fact, in order to re-examine our learned materials, for completing this homework, you need to download this dataset from of COVID-19 at the country level of the whole world: https://covid.ourworldindata.org/data/owid-covid-data.xlsx from Our World in Data repository.

Homework's dataset

COVID-19 at the country level of the whole world: https://covid.ourworldindata.org/data/owid-covid-data.xlsx from Our World in Data repository


Upload the new dataset given in this homework from Our World in Data repository into the Tableau Desktop. Now follow this procedure and save the results in each section:

  1. Create groups based on location and continent fields.

  2. Visualize the weekly number of total cases and new cases.

  3. Use Multiple measures in a single view that is created in the section 2, and add total deaths and new deaths to the visualization.

  4. Use calculated fields and define a fatality rate field (fatality rate: number of deaths / number of cases) and visualize it grouped by continent.

  5. Create a simple dashboard and put the visualizations of total cases, new cases, and fatality rate rate. Make sure the labels of the visualizations are informative and put the link to the source of the dataset used for this dashboard as a hyperlink in the dashboard.