
Data analytics software

  • Microsoft Power BI: Power BI is one of the leading data analytics and visualization software. It is possible to use this software for a variety of datasets and databases. Clemson University has the license for Microsoft Power BI Desktop version and limited access to the web-based version.

  • Tableau Desktop: Tableau Desktop is a data analytics and visualization software that could be used for creating compelling graphs, charts, and dashboards to share your data analytics with a variety of users publicly. Clemson University has the license for the Tableau Desktop version.

  • Tableau Prep: Tableau Prep software is suitable for data preparation and cleaning to pre-process the data before importing it into the Tableau Desktop for visualization. Clemson University has the license for the Tableau Prep version.

  • Microsoft Power Apps: Power Apps software is designed to create the user interface and apps quickly without needing to write scripts or codes. Power Apps could be combined with Power BI to develop customized visualization applications. Clemson University has the license for the Microsoft Power Apps Desktop only.

  • Microsoft Power Automate: Power Automate could be used to automate your visualization workflow from fetching the dataset from your online database to creating visualization inquiries and etc. Power Automate could be combined with Power BI and Power Apps to create customized online data analytics applications. Clemson University has the license for the Microsoft Power Automate Desktop only.

Data visualization software

  • Python: Python is a programming language that could be used for data visualization easily. It has lots of different packages such as matplotlib and seaborn for developing customized visualization. Python is an open-source programming language and could be accessed freely. One of the free platforms of Python for rapid prototyping and visualization is provided by Google as Google Colab.

  • R: R programming language is similar to Python and could be used for data visualization exclusively. R is an open-source programming language and could be accessed freely. One of the free platforms of R for rapid prototyping and visualization is provided by Google as Google Colab.

  • D3.js: D3.js is a data visualization library developed based on JavaScript programming language. D3.js is available to researchers as an open-source library and could be accessed freely. One of the free platforms of D3.js for rapid prototyping and visualization is provided by ObservableHQ.

Information Visualization software

  • Gephi: Gephi is open-source software designed specifically for graph and network visualizations. This software is available free for researchers and other users.

Scientific Visualization software

  • ParaView: ParaView is open-source 3D scientific visualization that could be used to develop compelling visualization from engineering and scientific simulation results. This software is developed based on C/C++ programming language and also has Python bindings. The core of the ParaView software is developed based on VTK (Visualization ToolKit) library. This software is available free for researchers and other users.

  • VMD: Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD) software is designed specifically for visualization of molecular and atomic structures as well as molecular dynamics simulation results. This software is an open-source platform, which is available free to researchers and other users.