Power BI and ArcGIS Data Server

In order to connect Power BI to ArcGIS data server, you need to have Power BI Desktop installed on your Windows machine. Now in order to connect Power BI to ArcGIS data server, open the Power BI Desktop, and click on Get data and use Web option and put this sample data URL into the Web connector https://services.arcgis.com/Qo2anKIAMzIEkIJB/ArcGIS/rest/services/Middle_Output_Areas/FeatureServer/0/query?where=1%3D1&outFields=*&returnGeometry=false&resultRecordCount=0&f=json:

After successful loading of the data server, click on Transform Data to tell Power BI the correct format of the data:

After opening of Power Query Editor, right click on Column and go to Transform and choose JSON:

Then drill into the record, and drill into the Features list :

When you see a list of Records, press To Table and hit OK on the dialog below:

Then use the Expand button (see screenshot) and uncheck the Use Original Column Name as prefix:

Then use the Expand button again to expand the Attributes. At this point your data should appear. Press OK the press Close and Apply. Your data is now in Power BI ready to use in Visualisations.