Virtual Students


Audiobooks, Magazines, eBooks & eAudiobooks

See what books, audiobooks and magazines are available at SMS. Access e-books & put books on hold.

Access Sora eBooks & eAudiobooks through Ft. Zumwalt's catalog. Search for Ft. Zumwalt or enter the code ftzumwalt.

No accounts or passwords are needed.

How do I check out SMS library material? Send an email to Mrs. Dresner and Mrs. Compton letting us know what items you would like to check out.

How many items can I check out from the library? Students can check out two items.

How long can I borrow library material? Items can be borrowed for two weeks. If you need more time, no worries! Email Mrs. Dresner and Mrs. Compton letting us know you would like to renew your library items for an additional two weeks.

How do I pick up library material? Library items will be placed on the table in the main office and labeled with the student's name.