African Trading Empires

African Trading Empires

Teachers: 7th Grade Social Studies

Assignment: You will be assigned an African Trading Empire such as Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Zimbabwe, or Askum.

Note taking: use Microsoft word to take notes. Remember to use bulleted notes. Use fragments of sentences when taking notes.

Citing Sources: Remember to avoid plagiarism you must cite your sources. Again, keep your source citations with your notes. If you are using a book or a website, use the attached handout to write your source citations. Open a word document, use Microsoft Office for your Works Cited page. See the attached Microsoft Office handout for directions. Remember your Works Cited page should be in alpabetical order and reverse indented.


World Book Online Begin your research here. Enter keywords to look up your empire, like "Aksum", or "Aksum Empire." Remember, the source citation is located at the bottom of your article.

Student Resources in Context: This is a database. Remember to use keywords here also. Use Reference sources. The source citation is located at the bottom of your article.

Websites: Use the worksheet provided below to cite your websites. Use Microsoft Office to cite your sources. Use the Microsoft Office 101 worksheet for assistance in citing soures.

African Kingdoms Scroll down to find the African Trading Empires.

Wonders of the African World

This PBS website includes info about the Swahili, the empires of Ghana and Mali, and the city of Great Zimbabwe

Books: Use your textbook. Remember to use the worksheet provided below to cite your book. Use Microsoft Office to cite your sources.

A cart of books will also be available in the computer labs.


Create Sources MLA

Microsoft Office