TS 3 - Problem Solving

Junior / Senior

Evidence Reflection (12/15/2022)
Evidence Reflection Template (AGU)

Freshman / Sophomore

Google Snake

One day I was playing Google Snake and wondered if there was a way to go around the grid and hit all squares so that all apples could be collected. I started off by finding out that the dimensions where 17 x 15 totaling 255 squares. After a lot of trying I found out that you could only do it with and alternating route or square where every lap you would have a small change in your route that is because the total number of square are odd.

Bills Hat

The Bills Hat riddle is by far the hardest problem I have ever solved. In November of 2019 I was given this riddle by Mr Cowey as an additional challenge, he said that it was the hardest problem he had. Over the next year I continued to work on it in my free time persevering and pushing myself trough the challenge till after 13 months I solved it in January 2021.