
Why Renaissance?

I have chosen to apply for Graduation with distinction in Renaissance because I am a very well rounded student, leader and active member in society. When I first learned about Graduation with Distinction in 8th grade when planning my schedule I decided that I was going to get all six of them. Each year I made spreadsheets and lists so that I could meet the requirements of every distinction. At the end of my freshman year I decided that rather then pursuing tech I would stay at Fairfax and get prepare for a career through outside work experience in a multitude of ways (I am still unsure of weather this will actually count but I believe that I have met the general philosophy of that distinction). In school I focused on attaining graduation with distinction in each of the other four areas. I took over a dozen advanced classes, I took two APs by myself, I two two AP in global citizen ship and I took part in many clubs. I did this not only for the distinction, but also because I enjoy it. This is why I believe that I have earned Graduation with distinction in Renaissance.

Meeting the Requirements of at least three other distinctions: