TS 2 - Self Direction

Junior / Senior

Evidence Reflection Template (Senior Math E1)
BFAF SEET (Self Direction)
Evidence Reflection (All State and District Band)
Evidence Reflection Template (AGU)

Freshman / Sophomore

Math 3 and Advanced Math Opportunity

I had the chance to skip math 1 and take math 2 first semester freshman year. After the first quarter and still bored in math class I was given the chance to take an independent study for math 3 and advanced math so I could finish by the end of the year. This picture is the first assessment I took for math 3. This shows self direction because I was taking the chance presented to me to further my knowledge.

Lots of Classes

For my second semester sophomore year I am taking 8 classes, four of them are Independent Studies. This shows that I modify my schedule to fit how I learn best. This shows self direction because half of my classes I am taking Independently and that with this many classes I can still maintain good grades without help.