

Zeybek is a folk dance seen in the Western Anatolia region. It is played by a single person or by several players lined up in a circle. Zeybek represents a brave man who protects the people. The dancer playing Zeybek extends his arms to the sides at shoulder height, with his hands at the same level as his head, and in some dances he slightly bends his arms at the elbows. He moves slowly, takes big steps. Bending down from time to time and touching the ground with one knee is one of the distinctive movements of this dance. This type of zeybeks can be found in Izmir, Aydın, Manisa, Denizli, Muğla and Uşak. The Aegean coast of Balıkesir can also be included here.


Horon performed in the Rize region are generally called "horon". The horon, which is mainly played with bagpipe and kemenche accompaniment, can sometimes be played without music, accompanied by folk songs. It is played by forming a circle of boys and girls around the tulum or kemençe player in the middle. The game has a variety of figures and is extremely active. The Hemşin horons are played on the bagpipe and the Rize horons on the kemenche. The Hemşin horons start from the mountainous regions of Çayeli and include the Hemşin, Pazar, Ardeşen and Fındıklı lines. Rize horons are played in the area extending from the İkizdere-İyidere line to the coastal part of Çayeli. The spending, shaking and trembling numbers on the horon represent the sea and the suffering of the fish coming out of the sea. The person who manages the horon and guides the other players is the "boss horon player" and ensures the order of the horon with various "warnings".


Halay is a regional category of folk dance styles in central, southern, eastern and southeastern Turkey. Halay and similar dances are part of multiple folk dance traditions and cultures throughout the Middle East and nearby regions. These dances are mainly found at weddings and generally accompanied by zurna and davul, but in recent years, electronic instruments have begun to replace them. Typically, Halay dancers form a circle or line, while holding each other in many ways, such as finger to finger, shoulder to shoulder, or even hand to hand. The last and first players can hold a piece of cloth. It usually starts slow and speeds up.


Caucasian dance, where elegance with swimming steps is at the forefront for women, speed, rhythm and courage for men, is a dance where upright posture and the smile of the crowd are at the forefront. Caucasian dances performed with rapid body movements have hard and sharp figures. While kindness and nobility are important to women, Caucasian dance figures are molded around strength and power. During Caucasian games, women's arms rotate gracefully as they move forward with small steps and foot movements, while men move their arms to the sides, make a full rotation in the air, and move on their knees.


Kaşık oyunu or Kaşık Havası is the general name for games played in the Western Black Sea region, Southern Marmara, Inland Western Anatolia, Konya and Mersin in Turkey. The important feature is that the game is the tool of the game.

In these games, players hold wooden spoons in their hands as rhythm instruments. However, folk dances performed with spoons in the regions of Antalya and Konya are usually called spoon dances, but these dances differ from zeybek in some characteristics. Although the games in the Teke region are played with a spoon, they differ from the "spoon zeybek" played in the Eskişehir and Balıkesir regions. Spoon games generally do not feature a mountain game theme in relation to Yoruk and Turkmen culture or a recreational gathering between men. The suit in the game is the suit called "Silifke".


Hora is a folk dance practiced in the Thrace region. It is called "horos" in Greek and means "dance." Hora's dances are very fast, rhythmic and agile. The steps are in the foreground. In addition to Thrace, Hora is also played in Balkan countries such as Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia and Kosovo. Therefore, Hora is a common folk dance from Thrace and the Balkans.

In Turkey, Hora is mainly played in the provinces of Thrace, such as Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ, Çanakkale and Istanbul. However, there are also communities that play Hora outside of these provinces. Hora is often played on special occasions, such as a wedding or a festival. However, it is also regularly played by folk dance communities. Hora is an important part of the culture of Thrace and the Balkans. This game is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region.