Mediterranean Diet

What is the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating that emphasizes plant-based food and healthy fats. This diet focuses on overall eating patterns rather than strict formulas or calculations. There is no single definition at all, the Mediterranean diet is flexible, you can adapt it to your needs. 

The Mediterranean diet in Andalusia, Spain.

The Mediterranean diet in Spain is not the staff of scientific journals or weight loss programs. It’s simply a part of our normal life.

In Andalusia, the cuisine is characterised by the consumption of olives and olive oil, cereals, lots of vegetables and fruit, lots of pulses and nuts, cheese, milk, meat, fish and seafood and a also wine.

We would like to emphasize the extra virgin olive oil as Spanish produces it more than any other country. Moreover we are from the province of Jaén, the biggest extra virgin olive oil producer in the world. 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is also called liquid gold, this is due to the recent increase of its price in the market.

Typical recipes of the Mediterranean diet in Andalusia


It is a cold tomato soup with extra veggies and it is served in a bowl and garnished with boiled egg and ham. 


The base of this salad is tomatoes, green pepper and in some cases, spring onions. In addition, pipirrana also contains boiled egg and some tuna in oil.

Paella from Valencia

Originally from Valencia, it consists of dry rice cooked in a paella pan with different ingredients such as meat, seafood and vegetables.

Potatoes with choco

This dish is typical in Huelva because being a coastal region, both its fish and seafood stand out for being of high quality.

Broad beans with ham 

It is a typical dish from Granada that is very rich, simple and nutritious. Tender broad beans with ham is a traditional dish, with few ingredients, so it is essential that they are high quality.

Bread with olive oil

This is typical from Jaén, the province where we live.

It is more common to eat it for breakfast. Then you can add some fresh slices of tomato, ham or even cocoa powder, or sugar on it.