Arts and Crafts


Andalucía is an autonomous community in the south of Spain. This community is known because it has a lot of celebrations. For example the Holy Week. Also it is famous for its gastronomy, its traditions and the personality of its people. 

Great painters

Andalusia produced some of the world's greatest artists, Picasso and Velazquez, to name two, for example. From internationally-renowned art to skilled craftsmen who produce exquisite silver, leather and ceramic pieces in their workshops using centuries-old techniques.


There is a vast array of craft workshops in Andalusia that produce hand-made, authentic works of art reflecting different cultures that have left their identity on the region. 


He was born in Málaga, on 25th October 1881. He was an artist and sculptor.  He has got a lot of important paintings, but the most important one is Guernica. 


He was born in Sevilla on 6th June 1599.  He was known as Diego Velázquez. He was a Spanish Baroque artist considered one of the main exponents in the Spanish art.


The city of Seville has one of the greatest traditions of Spanish polychrome tin ceramics, which had its splendor between the 16th and 18th centuries. Having been recovered today in various workshops in the capital and nearby towns. 


Esparto grass has been used for basketry, footwear and multiple uses since it is very flexible and allows it to be worked very easily, gathering it into ropes (braids made of esparto grass) or into pleats, to be worked on later.


Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso. Painted in Paris between the months of May and June 1937, whose title alludes to the bombing of Guernica, which occurred on April 26th of that year, during the Spanish Civil War.

Las Meninas 

Las Meninas is a 1656 painting in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, by Diego Vélazquez. The leading artist of the Spanish Barroque. It has become one of the most widely analysed works in Weatern painting.