Arts and Crafts



Since ancient times, the noble Art of Forging has been worked in Úbeda, but it is undoubtedly in the Renaissance period of the city when it really acquires shades of Art. The workshops in Ubeda follow the tradition of the old ironmakers, maintaining the trade in a traditional way, with centuries-old techniques in charcoal forges.

Artistic forging has been in force since the sixteenth century, preserving all the techniques of the forge and the models that, especially in grilling, had a wide development during the Renaissance. It manufactures domestic and urban furniture, artistic locksmithing and decorative objects. Artistic lanterns, alcuzas, lamps and measures also continue to be made in brass or tin.


Úbeda is a city where culture and craftsmanship are part of its idiosyncrasy. It is simply taking a walk through the historic center of the city and going back to our ancestors, to the history and culture that has made this beautiful town become one of the 15 World Heritage cities in Spain. One of the arts that we can find that has lasted over time and has been able to adapt to our times is undoubtedly Esparto.

Esparto grass, like other artistic branches, such as pottery or forging, makes Úbeda famous for its quality and exceptional quality of the final product for centuries.

Focusing on Esparto, it is important to know that it is an artisanal production that arrived in Úbeda around the 11th century, specifically highlighting the production of carpets. Such was the success of this type of carpets that they received the name of the city where they were made, at that time Úbeda was called "Ubbadza" and they were called ubedíes. These are carpets mostly with openwork, drawings, arabesques, filigrees, made with esparto grass and pita; They are true works of art.

In Úbeda we currently have one of the most important companies and museums to which this profession refers.