Principal Economic Activity

Located in the Anatolia , Ankara stands as living proof of Turkey's ancient heritage and startling modern culture. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1923, established Ankara as Turkey's capital and so forth the capital symbolizes an entire nation's transition from past civilizations to present democracy. Today,  it is a prosperous big city which integrates quaint scenic spots with modern facilities. Join us in exploring the diverse identity of Ankara, where political, art, economy, sports, cinema and sites that will take your breath away all come together.

Like its living landscape, Ankara’s economy is equally dynamic, comprising various industries that drive innovation and development. Ankara’s industrial park, OSTIM and ASO Sanayi Sitesi produce manufactured goods, which account for a large portion of Turkey’s industrial production . Technology companies including enterprises and research centers perform and innovate commerce, such as aviation, aerospace, and information technology. There are several business centers as well, such as Kızılay and Çankaya, which are crowded with business and entrepreneurship. Hence, it attracts a growing number of financiers and entrepreneurs to invest in the Turkish economy. 

With the first years of the Republic, this period of stagnation began to end in Ankara. Infrastructure and superstructure services, which are mandatory for the services that a modern capital must provide, have revitalized commercial life.

Three important economic potentials in our district; Agriculture, Livestock and Tourism. The economy in the district center and villages is based on agriculture and livestock, and the cultivation of fresh fruit and vegetables has significant potential.

The animal population decreased by 4.3 million heads in 1 year.

According to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute, while the total stock of cattle and sheep in Turkey was 73 million 472 thousand 214 thousand heads in 2022, it decreased to 69 million 106 thousand 753 heads in 2023.