Career Exploration

CX / Bridges

My favorite research site. See Mrs. Hernandez for our school's username and password.

Today's Military Careers

This website offers tons of information about everything military. Although each branch also has a site - I like this one the most for balanced, sound information and advice.


This is the website for the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Remember that you can research careers in three ways on this site - 1) search box, 2) by cluster (occupational groups) on the left side, or 3) using the A-Z index located in the menu bar across the top. There is also a new CareerInfo app you can download!


O*Net is a tool that you can use to search the Dictionary of Occupational Titles online. You may search it using the a variety of different search boxes. My favorites are Keyword, Career Cluster, and Job Family.


This website is the career information piece for a larger website called "Mapping Your Future."
The easiest ways to gather research is to use the search box at the top right hand corner or click on the box that says "review careers by cluster".

Cost of Living Calculator

WHAT IS COST OF LIVING? “Cost of living” is the amount of money you need to maintain a certain lifestyle in a given place. The price of goods and services vary from one city to another, calculating the cost of living will help you determine how much more or less you need to make and help you factor in expenses.
The expenses that go in to determining cost of living include housing prices for renters or homeowners, housing affordability, entertainment costs, transportation expenses, food prices, and taxes.

Nebraska Career Connections

You will need to create an account to use this site but it is worth it. One feature to take a look at is the student portfolio - I like how you can store your test scores, achievements, and your resume there.