MCC Career Academy Info
High school students (16-plus years of age) have the opportunity to attend a sequence of career classes with a cohort of their peers at a Metropolitan Community College campus. Career Academy programs culminate in a career certificate or specialist diploma.
Practical skills and information for specific career areas
Safety procedures
Gain job-seeking skills
Interpersonal skills for the workplace
Be a high school junior or senior
Be 16 years old or older
Be selected to participate by application
Have transportation to and from classes and internship/apprenticeship site

The packet to the left has all of the details about the different programs offered through the academy. Each program is listed along with the courses per term, cost and tool / supplies required for each program. Be sure to also check which MCC campus the program is offered on for driving purposes.

This is the application that the student must complete. Mrs. Hernandez will can assist with proofreading essays, the counselor form, and the HS transcript. The student will want to choose a teacher in a related academic area to complete the personal recommendation form.
START EARLY! These are usually due in Early March but can and should be turned in earlier than that because some academies fill up quickly! The application materials for the new year usually come out in late December so watch for an update right after Christmas break.

This is the application for students who are currently in the academy program to apply for year two.