CollegeNOW! @ FCHS


  Again in 2023/24 -

these classes will be 

tuition and fees free.

  You are responsible for the cost of 

your own textbooks. 


Articulation is a term used to describe the courses taught at one school will be allowed or accepted at another institution.  This is important because you want to make sure that the class you take will "count" because the content is the same. 

Colleges and universities publish articulation agreements after reviewing the curriculum and the level of instruction - then agreeing on how courses completed at a community college for instance, will satisfy course requirements at the future 4yr institution.

The articulation agreements and transfer agreements  included here are official contracts between a four-year institution and MCC to guarantee the MCC associates degree and the dual credit classes we offer will transfer to the four-year institution(s).

Click on the image above to the Transfer Nebraska site 

With Transfer Nebraska, you can confirm whether courses you’ve already completed can transfer to one or more of Nebraska’s institutions. You can also see whether an individual course will transfer to a specific institution before you sign up – keeping you focused on your future.

Click on the image above to go to MCC's articulation page
Click on the image above to see how MCC's classes transfer to UNL.