Bradley University Anthropology Wiki

What is the Anthropology Wiki?

Bradley University's Anthropology Wiki is a publicly accessible resource for students on Bradley’s campus and beyond. Our wiki serves as a dynamic and ever-expanding source of information for those interested in Anthropology. It includes pages on cultural practices around the world, anthropological concepts, specific cultures we are studying in class, prominent anthropologists, and more.

Golden Lotus Foot Binding

The Hadza People

Aboriginal Tent Embassy

The Myall Creek Massacre

A Personal Story of the Stolen Generations

Aboriginal Australians in WWI


Child Removals and Intergenerational Trauma Among Aboriginal Australians

Alcohol Abuse in Aboriginal Australian Communities

Tasmania: Its Peoples Continuing Survival And Cultural Flourishment

Intimate Relationships and Interracial Marriages

Aboriginal Australian Incarceration

History Wars in Australia

The Rainbow Serpent

Eddie Koiki Mabo

The Native Police

Yolŋu Kinship