
The following technology will be emphasized during hybrid/remote learning for FHS Dance Program.

We will be using a variety of Google Apps such as Google Docs and Drive, here are some video tutorials that can be helpful


Although we will start out the year with Google Meets, we will be using ZOOM for all dance classes.

Google Classroom

All students will be required to join and participate in their class Google Classroom. They must join with a code and respectfully participate.

Remind 101

All students will be required to join their class Remind 101. They can join by email or phone number. This enables the teacher to text reminders to the class. No emails/phone numbers are shared and students cannot communicate with one another.

Good Old Email!

All students will be responsible for checking their school emails on a daily basis.

Dance Videos

Students will be required to create dance videos during hybrid and remote learning. These videos may be featured in virtual performances. If any parent has questions or concerns about this, please email

Other tech tips/apps that are great for dance:

  • GarageBand (Apple) or Audacity (Apple or Android) for music editing

  • iMovie (Apple) for video editing (see more in article below)

  • Canva for graphic design (flyers, posters, brochures, and more!)