The Boater Life

The Boater Lifestyle is Addictive

It's a sense of total freedom.

It's a liberating feeling to no longer be in need of all that "Stuff".

It's amazing to live life on your terms, at your speed.

It will get in your bones!

Jan 18, 2020

Laundry by Dingy.

Doing the laundry "Boater Style"!

Nov 16, 2019

A Trip Into Reality.

Plus it's only 68 outside!

Oct. 15, 2019

How We Exercise.

Exercising, Boater Style.

Sept 28, 2019

I bet you didn't know that we have two offices aboard the "Fortunate2".

What's so special about an office aboard a boat? I'm glad you asked.

Check Back Often for New Updates.

The "Boater Life". Somebody has got to do it!