Meet Sue of the Fortunate 2 the boat

Meet Sue of "Fortunate 2" the boat.

Meet Sue

I am a "Firecracker". I'll tell you like it is, whether you want to hear it or not, however I have a genuine nurturing way about me. My family gives me a great sense of pride and accomplishment. Along with being married to my "Partner in Crime" for 45 years.

I have a tenacity for getting things done. Whatever it takes.....Get 'Er done and don't tell me I can't because I will..... just to prove you wrong.

I have an extensive background in customer service. I am a people person. I am the last person to leave the party and usually the one helping to clean up.

Inactivity is not in my nature so to retire and sit at home watching the grass grow was not an option. I love adventure.