Graduation Requirements
Earning Credits
Fife High School and Columbia Junior High School offer the following options for students to earn credits to graduate:
Fife School District Credit Opportunities
Grades 9-12 Classes
As a comprehensive high school, Fife High School and Columbia Junior High School offer a wide variety of courses intended to prepare graduates for life after high school. Students can earn six credits per year in grades 9-12 and by passing all classes on a six-period day will earn the 24 credits required for high school graduation.Early High School Credits in 8th Grade
Students taking high school classes in 8th grade automatically earn high school credits that count toward graduation and GPA calculation. All high school credits are shown on the student's transcript. See the Columbia Junior High website for more information. Determine eligible courses with CJH counselors. Students can opt-out of having early high school credits on their transcript by completing the Opt-Out Form available from their counselor.CTE and Two for One Equivalency
If a student earns a CTE equivalent math, science, art, English, or social studies credit, it can be used as a "two for one" requirement. The "two-for-one" policy allows students to meet two graduation requirements while earning credit in only one course. Students still have to earn a total of 24 credits, but have an opportunity to earn credit in another area of their choosing.World Language Credits earned by Proficiency Testing
Students who are proficient in a language other than English can test and earn 1 to 4 World Language high school graduation credits. See the Fife School District World Language Testing website (click here) Students who earn 4 credits on the test AND meet at least one of the ELA graduation pathway options will graduate with a Seal of Biliteracy on their diploma and wear a medallion at graduation.Dual Credit
Fife High School offers several courses that count for college credit through CTE Dual Credit, Advanced Placement (AP), as well as CWU in the High School programs. For more information on these programs, check out our College Starts Here website.Credit Retrieval
When students have taken required classes in grades 9-12 but either earned an F or NC (No Credit), students must retrieve their missed credit in order to graduate. Students can retrieve previously failed credits, with prior counselor approval, through several ways:Alternative courses through Fife High School’s online programs
Summer School
State Testing Mastery-Based Credit, please talk to your counselor for more information.
Skills Center Summer School
Skills Center summer school classes are offered at Pierce County Skills Center (PSCS). These courses earn high school credit. Please check in the spring for more information.
Additional Credit Opportunities
Running Start
The Running Start Program allows high school juniors and seniors to enroll in a local community college or technical college. Classes taken at the college count toward the student’s high school diploma and count for college credit. Running Start credits do not count toward Fife High School Academic Awards and Recognition. Students must have attained junior status and provide their own transportation. Each community college and/or technical college sets its own deadlines and enrollment procedures. Students are placed into their English and Math courses based on the college’s enrollment procedures. High School counselors must approve classes taken at Running Start.Skills Center Programs
High school juniors and seniors may choose to attend the Pierce County Skills Center (PCSC) for the morning or afternoon half of their schedule. Students must provide their own transportation. An online application must be submitted in the Spring for enrollment in the following year. Applications open March 2.