The Running Start program is an opportunity for juniors and seniors to take college courses while still in high school.  If you are interested in participating in Running Start next year and missed our Running Start Information Night, please view the slideshow below and follow the enrollment steps outlined on this page. Be sure to research the colleges you are interested in and attend one of their informational sessions. 

Common colleges include: Bates Technical College, Clover Park Technical College, Green River Community College, Highline Community College, Pierce College, and Tacoma Community College.

Running Start website slides 2024


Step 1: Complete the college's Running Start application on their website. 

Be sure to follow ALL enrollment steps (including completing your English and Math placement) and procedures as specified by the college you wish to attend. 


Step 2: Decide on the following:

* These decisions will guide the appropriate paperwork to complete in step 3 and how you proceed with the program. Keep in mind the following:

-Students earning their HS diploma from FHS will need to follow their school counselor's recommendations for college courses each quarter

-Students earning their diploma from the college will receive their EVF from Fife School District Office personnel each quarter

-Students earning their diploma from the college do NOT participate in FHS's June Graduation ceremony

 Step 3: Complete the appropriate paperwork:


Step 4: Contact the high school counselor to submit paperwork and complete the Enrollment Verification Form

At your meeting be prepared with the following:

Running Start Course Equivalency Guide 

for Fife High School Graduation Requirements

Copy of Running Start Course Equivalencies