Peer Health Educators


Quick Glance: healthy relationships, mental health, wellness topics, sexual violence awareness, and prevention 

Who are Peer Health Educators?

The Peer Health Educators are a group of student leaders who offer education, resources, and support to the campus community surrounding topics such as sexual violence, relationships, sexual health, bystander intervention, consent, and much more. Peer Health Educators work individually with students, facilitate workshops/trainings, and engage in a variety of wellness-based initiatives on campus throughout the academic year. The Peer Health Educators are supervised by the Director of Care Coordination and Violence Prevention, Sam Thiry. 

Is a Peer Health Educator the right support for me?

Peer Health Educators are the right support for you if are looking to talk privately with a trained peer about topics like sexual violence, relationships, mental health, sexual health, and more. Peer Health Educators hold office hours where students can ask questions, get resources, and find support. 

What should I expect in a Peer Health Educator meeting?

When you meet with a Peer Health Educator, you can expect to be treated with care, respect, and patience. Peer Health Educators are invested in helping support fellow students, raise awareness about critical issues, and connect students with needed resources. These conversations are private, but not confidential. If you desire to speak with someone in a confidential setting, Peer Health Educators can help connect you with the support you need. 

How do I schedule with a Peer Health Educator or request a program?

Keep an eye on our Instagram (@wevp_fandm) and website for Peer Health Educator office hours. To request a training, contact Sam Thiry at