Tommy Flowers

Tommy Flowers had been born on December 22nd, of the year of 1905 and then had died on October 28th of 1998. Tommy Flowers was one of the people that had been given credit for the making of the electronic computer. The Colossus is what Flowers had invented during World War II. The Colossus was a very very large machine, but it was definitely efficient.

Tommy flowers created the Colossus. The Colossus had been invented and made during World War II. It had also been the world's first ever programmable electronic computer to be invented. After the war he got 1000 pounds for his inventions. Then he divided the 1000 pounds among the team that helped him create colossus.

Tommy Flowers had many years of study to create the Colossus. The prototype, Colossus Mark 1, was shown to be working in December 1943 and was operational at Bletchley Park on 5 February 1944. Colossus mark 2 was first worked on 1 June 1944, just in time for the Normandy Landings. Ten Colossi were in use by the end of the war and an eleventh was being commissioned.

By: Matthew LeBoeuf and Destiny Leger