The Altair 88OO

Altair 8800. The Altair 8800 is a microcomputer designed in 1974 by MITS and based on the Intel 8800 CPU

The Altair 8800 was first featured in January and February of 1975. For just $439 you could buy the first included everything kit which included assembly instructions, metal case, power supply, and all of the boards and components required to build this computer. Ed Roberts, the owner and president of MITS, is also the designer of the Altair 8800. .

How the Altair worked. Altairs cost between 439 and 621 dollars. Thousand of these things were sold in the first month. It was accepted first by the public and businesses. You can still buy them today for $4449.11 on ebay.

This topic is important because the Altair 8800 lead the way for new computers and new technology. Now when someone needed information about something they didn't have to go to the library and look for a book about the topic. They could just look it up and get the answer much easier. Nobody had ever made a computer like this before.

Created by Griffin Henriques and Dominic Ramous