Sergey Brin

"To me, this is about preserving history and making it available to everyone." ~ Sergey Brin

Sergey Brin is the co-founder of the largest and most successful search engine in the world, Google. He was born August 21st, 1973 in Russia. He traveled to the United States at six years old. In 1998 at the age of twenty-five he founded the company Google with Larry Page. Brin met Page at Stanford University. Brin's networth is about 36.9 billion dollars.

Google is a mainstream information provider for anyone with internet access. Often times, when we don’t know something, we just say, “Google it.” Don’t know the meaning of a word? Google it! Don’t know when a holiday is? Google it! Need information for a project, like this? Google it! Google helped to solve the problem of ”I don’t know what this means, and I need to know now.” It helped to solve this problem by providing information instantly, with thousands of results for each ‘Google.’

Before Google, we did not have a search engine that used citation notation. Citation notation means that when a website is mentioned on another site (ex: Google is mentioned on Bing. [Unrealistic, I know.]), that website mentioned will become more popular, or that website will be at the top of the results when you Google something.

Additional Resources linked [to the pictures] above


"WordStream." History of Search Engines - Chronological List of Internet Search Engines (INFOGRAPHIC) | WordStream. WordStream, n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016. <>.

"Sergey Brin." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016. <>

"Sergey Brin." A&E Networks Television, 02 Nov. 2016. Web. 09 Dec. 2016. <>

Sabrina A. and Kate F.