Herman Hollerith

On February 29,1860- November 17, 1929 Herman Hollerith was born and in 1911 he invented the electromechanical punched card tabulator. It summarized information and cut down the length of time that the work would take up by hand and made it electronic to speed the process.

The Electromechanical punch card tabulator was important because it helped assort and summarize things. The problem that he solved was making a ten year job turn into 3 months. Herman Hollerith saved 1890 taxpayers 5 million dollars. His work revealed the problems of dealing with large amounts of data by hand. Herman Hollerith was a German immigrant and later on in life graduated from the Columbia University school of mines in 1879 at age 19.

Herman's creation helped many people collect the data of how many animals someone had, how many members of the family someone had, how many rooms were in the house, ect.

In 1882 Herman Hollerith joined the Massachusetts institute of technology. He moved to Washington and their he died.

Work Cited

ComputingHistorySBU. "Herman Hollerith in One Minute." YouTube. YouTube, 14 Dec. 2011. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

"Redirect Notice." Redirect Notice. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016

By Hailie and Kevin