February 8 Homecoming

Mukae-au: To face each other. A representative student from KJ made an impromptu speech, and from ETHS Aurora made an impromptu speech about the week.

Until next time -- thank you for the memories!

Yes, we're taking home suitcases full of snacks.

Yay! Yokota sensei's uncle brought us more snacks!

Drew made original awards for each member of the group!

9 hour delay in Tokyo, missed our connection, overnighted in LA, now delayed in LA for weather.

What do students do when finding out we are delayed again? Take tests. Do homework. Make robots. Talk to each other. Knit. Chill.

NOT STRESS -- seriously, what a fabulous group.

And, 45 hours from when we left our host families, we arrived back to our home families! Tadaima!

What ?? The school week at home starts in 15 hours?? Gambatte, minasan!