VDOE Growth Assessments

This page is designed to help our team understand the Reading and Mathematics Growth Assessments provided by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) in accordance with legislation passed in the 2021 Virginia General Assembly (HB2027 and SB1357) requiring the implementation of “through-year” or “growth” assessments beginning in fall 2021 for reading and mathematics in grades 3-8. 

Updates made to the growth assessments beginning the 2022-2023 school year are reflected below. 

*Additional updates will be reflected as released by the Virginia Department of Education. 

What are growth assessments?

To ensure that the growth assessments administered in accordance with legislation are aligned to the Standards of Learning (SOL), the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) developed shorter computer adaptive tests (CAT) using existing SOL test items. The growth assessments administered in fall 2021 were based on content from the student’s previous grade level. For example, students enrolled in grade 5 mathematics in fall 2021 completed fall growth assessments based on grade 4 mathematics.

Beginning with the second year of implementation (2022-2023) and beyond, the legislation requires that the grades 3-8 reading and mathematics growth assessments be administered to students once in the fall and once in the winter (mid-year) during the school year. 

In addition to the growth assessments, the SOL tests for grade 3-8 reading and mathematics will continue to be administered.

What will growth assessments measure this year?

Unlike the fall 2021 fall growth assessments that focused on content from the student’s previous grade level, beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, the fall and winter growth assessments will focus primarily on content from the student’s current grade level. For example, 

A student taking grade 5 mathematics in 2022-2023 will be administered a growth assessment that focuses primarily on grade 5 mathematics content. 

However, in compliance with the 2021 legislation, the CAT algorithm has been configured so that the student might be administered some items from below or above the current grade level depending on the student’s responses to the on-grade-level content items. For example, 

Students taking the grade 5 mathematics growth assessment will primarily be administered grade 5 test items; however, depending on the student’s responses to the on-grade-level test items, the student may also be administered some grade 4 test items or some grade 6 test items. 

Where will growth assessments results be housed?

Grades 3–8 Growth Assessments results (Published Reports and SDBQ Reports) will be housed on each school's Data Warehouse page. Teachers are also expected to add growth assessments results to their school's Progress Monitoring Tool

What are the exceptions to the potential administration of off-grade level test items?

There are several exceptions to the potential administration of off-grade level test items:

What are growth assessments test blueprints?

The test blueprints serve as a guide for test construction. The blueprints indicate the content areas that will be addressed by the test and the number of items that will be included by the content area and for the test as a whole. Select the items below to be directed to the growth assessment test blueprints and tools. 

NEW! What resources are available to support parents in their understanding of growth assessments? 

The Virginia Department of Education has provided resources for parents to understand growth assessments through its new (1/2024)  website dedicated to Parents and Caregivers. Resources for growth assessment scores from the 2023-2024 Virginia Growth Assessments in reading and mathematics have been developed for parents. These resources include:

Mathematics growth assessments

test blueprints and tools 

(REV 8/10/23)

READING growth assessments 

test blueprints and tools

(REV 8/10/23)

What are the fall and winter growth assessment SDBQ Reports?

This is a published report version of the SDBQ Report as it will appear for grades 3–8 reading and math growth assessments. 

The Vertical Scale Score is the only score displayed. The report will be broken down by reporting category, then by level of difficulty by items answered incorrectly, then correctly. Item descriptors will contain the associated SOL number. 

What is the SPRING SOL SDBQ Report?

This is a published report version of the SDBQ Report as it will appear for grades 3–8 reading and math Spring SOL assessments. 

The Vertical Scale Score, Test Scaled Score, Performance Level, and performance bar graph are shown. The report will be broken down by reporting category, then by level of difficulty by items answered incorrectly, then correctly. Item descriptors will contain the associated SOL number. 

VDOE has provided an overview for teachers of grades 3-8 Reading and Mathematics to learn more about the implementation of the Growth Assessments, published as of August 2022. 

VDOE has provided an overview for teachers of grades 3-8 Reading and Mathematics to learn more about using the Growth Assessments to inform instruction, published as of August, 2022. 

For additional details about the VDOE Growth Assessments, select the VDOE website.