Diccionario LESCO (Lenguaje de Señas de Costa Rica)

On this link of the website of the Centro Nacional de Recursos para la Educación Inclusiva (CENAREC), you will find a list of 1104 words in Spanish with their corresponding definition in LESCO short video clips and a short written description of the use of the LESCO symbols.

On this link of the website of the Centro Nacional de Recursos para la Educación Inclusiva (CENAREC), you will find information about each of the four levels of Costa Rican Sign Language (LESCO)

Himno Nacional de Costa Rica en LESCO.

Estudiantes de Lengua de Señas Costarricense interpretando el Himno Nacional de Costa Rica en LESCO.

Hands-On LESCO, youtube channel

On this channel you will find a list of video clips created by Hands-On staff on a variety of topics.