Classroom Management 

in the EFL classroom in Public Primary School In CoSTA Rica

May 14, 2019 

1- 3 pm 

Summary of Key questions and points from the Webinar


This webinar will help teachers explore the very concept of Classroom Management and who they are as educators/mediators in the classroom -- before sharing strategies and possible solutions.

Main Points

▶️ Introduction: a Webinar on reflection before solutions

▶️ Defining “Classroom Management”

▶️ Five elements of Classroom Management

▶️ Understanding & Responding to Conflict

▶️ Challenges, Strategies & Guest Speakers

Key Questions

❓ What do I understand by Classroom Management?

❓ What elements are involved in Classroom Management?

❓ What do I believe about Classroom Management, and how does that influence my practice?

❓ What is conflict? What are its stages? What are strategies for each stage?

❓ What are some challenges I am facing in the classroom? What is under my control?

❓ How has my understanding and strategies on Classroom Management evolved in time?

PDF of Slides from the Webinar

Video of the Webinar

Slides from Classroom Management 2.0 (1).pdf

Additional Resources

Classroom Management _ 14.05 [Handout].pdf
[Edutopia] Dos and Donts of Classroom Management _ Your 25 Best Tips.pdf

References and Bibliography

Derrington, C. Goddard., H. (2008). Whole-brain behavior management in the classroom. Every piece of the puzzle. New York, NY: Routledge. 

Emmer, E., Sabornie, E. (2015). Handbook of classroom management. New York, NY: Routledge.

Garrett, T. (2014). Classroom Management: The Essentials. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. 

Marzano, R. J., Marzano, J. S., & Pickering, D. (2003). Classroom management that works: Research-based strategies for every teacher. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 

Rogers, C. (2002). Seeing student learning: teacher change and the role of reflection. Harvard Educational Review, 72, 230-253. 

Schindler, J. (2009). Transformative Classroom Management: Positive Strategies to Engage all Students and Promoite a Psychology of Success. Thousand Oaks, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Ury, W. (2000). The Third Side: Why We Fight and How We Can Stop. New York, NY: Penguin Books. 

About the Designer(s), Presenter(s) and Resource People

Nicolás Cárdenas Tamburini

Nicolás Cárdenas Tamburini is an English teacher from Chile who fell in love with Costa Rica in 2011, when he took the transformative SIT TESOL Certificate at Centro Espiral Maná. He holds the BA in English Literature and Linguistics from Universidad de Chile and the MA in Teaching ESOL from Marlboro College Graduate School. Having taught children, teens, and adults from a variety of backgrounds, he is curious about the relationship between artistic expression and learning, the power of trust, and the role of human connection and a pedagogy of care in the classrom. 

Nicolás is particularly fond of working with students from varied backgrounds and of learning from their diversity. He has been an English teacher and teacher trainer for over 10 years, and is a fellow at the Institute for Collaborative Learning.