The atmospheric elements affecting plants and organism growth

How atmospheric elements affect various plants and other living organisms.

In collaboration with students of Primary Education of the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​we are researching in our school to discover how light, temperature, humidity and substrate affect the growth of seeds, plants and other live organisms .

We have created yeast with water and flour. We have seen how it evolves, how it reacts with air or without, and how it changes over time etc. After we used it to make our own bread, to test its effectiveness.

To discover how different climatic conditions affect plant growth, we have planted vegetables in glass jars and subjected them to different conditions: with or without artificial light, with or without sunlight, with or without air, and controlling the irrigation pattern. We have analyzed their growth and determined the influence of these different conditions.

We have also done a similar study with herbs (sage, thyme, rosemary, parsley, lavender, ...). We had 3 samples of each plant, varying the sunlight and irrigation conditions of two samples and keeping third as a control.

Motivation and aims

To learn and implement the scientific method.

To learn and study how atmospheric elements affect plants and other living organisms.

Lessons learnt

We have learned about the fermentation process and how it creates CO2.

How light, temperature, humidity and substrate affect the growth of seeds and plants.

The typology of plant foods and herbs.
