Fruits or fruits and nuts?

Is it better just fruit or fruit with some nuts?

DESCRIPTION: By observing the breakfast our classmates bring to school, lots of questions came up: Which foods are the best for our body? Which one’s we have to cut down? Which do we have to avoid? What nutrients do they give us? Starting from our own breakfast observation. Having investigated the macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and the micronutrients (such as vitamins and minerals).


  • Find out what foods give us.

  • Discover the foods we need to prioritize in a balanced diet.

  • Be able to understand and read the labels products.

  • Find out why the combination of a piece of fruit with some nuts give us more energy.

  • Getting to know the macronutrients and micronutrients.

  • Breaking (wrong) myths about alimentation.


We learnt why is it better to add some nuts to our fruit meal.

We learnt which sort of breakfast are more recommended to have at school, and we extrapolated this new knowledge to food in general. We discovered what do they bring us to our organism and the importance of having a balanced diet.

We learnt to read properly some labels about food products.