Scientific Method

Scientific Method

Scientific Method in pre-school

We have followed and applied the scientific method in scientific experiments in different fields with the pre-school class, who are 3 years old.


We have done experiments in small teams of three or four first generating a discussion then hypothesizing, experimenting, and evaluating the whole process.

The teacher proposes the challenge and the children hypothesize what they think will happen and do the activity. At all times, error is valued positively as it allows us to learn and improve our knowledge.

We reach a group conclusion and return to the initial hypothesis to see if we can reject it or not.

We explain the process and the conclusions of our experiment to the rest of the group. In some cases, our conclusion may give rise to new problems, and thus to new hypotheses and new research.

Motivation and aims

To learn and implement the scientific method.

To learn scientific concepts such a when ice freezes and melts, how salt affects the freezing process. What is absorption? How different elements react when they are put together (such as sodium and vinegar).

Lessons learnt

We have learned about scientific method and science skills

Solid and liquid states of water

Freezing and melting.


Simple chemical reactions