Do all adverts about food tell the truth?

We investigated about labels from different food products and the elements in them like fats, proteins, carbohydrates…We also investigated about the food advertising labels, we wondered whether they are all reliable or not. We contacted a food store from our town where they make some courses and talks about food and we are collaborating by creating a healthy food database.

At the same time we contacted some food companies to get information about their products and their manufacturing process. We’ve been collaborating with some food stores from our town to promote the healthy diet, the local products and the promotion of the responsable food consumption with the environment. Encouraging the kids not to use plastic packages or encouraging them to bring their own bags or packaging when shopping.


  • Knowing the macronutrients and micronutrients.

  • Recognising the other ingredients: preservative and sweetener.

  • Finding out about advertising in the food industry.

  • Waking up the critical spirit about our diet.

  • Col.laborar amb botigues d’alimentació de la població per promoure la compra de proximitat.


  • We need to avoid, when possible, the ultra processed food.

  • Go with real food and local products when possible.

  • We need to question food products advertising as not all of them are real.

  • We should try to get free packaging products to avoid high plastic consumption.