The Keller Courier

By Helen Keller Middle School's Newspaper Club

CAlling on all 8th Graders!

Click here to learn more about the 8th grade editorial competition.

Issue  11 Published on March 1st, 2024

Coming Soon!

Art made by Joe F.

From the Keller Courier Team to you, we wish you all a Happy Holidays and a safe and healthy New Year! We look forward to bigger and better things in 2024 for The Keller Courier. We hope you are excited as we are. Have a wonderful Holiday Break and we will see you in 2024!

Issue Published December 22, 2023

 Articles Published November 22, 2023 (First Issue for 23-24)

Happy Thanksgiving!

↓↓↓ 2022-23 School Year ↓↓↓

 Articles Published June 2023


Would you like to have your editorial in the Keller Courier? 

Click HERE  to make your dream a reality!

Other works can be submitted here.

Articles Published March 24th, 2023 

Click each box below to read the articles in that section!

 Articles Published February 1st 2023 

Articles Published January 2023 

↓↓↓ 2021-22 School Year ↓↓↓


The day you’ve probably been mourning for is upon us. On June 21 at 12:50pm, we will all be let out into summer vacation. Whether you think it’s depressing or liberating, it will happen. If you want to track the days to go until “depression” or “liberation”, click here (please note that it includes weekends).

Around the World

In this section, Sammy Goldman talks about Angola. He also talks about Antigua and Barbuda. Please read to learn all about these 2 amazing countries!!


In this new section Chase Malia, Elizabeth Kimball, and Finn Taylor have written an article about Roblox. Finn also writes a very informative article on Fortnite.  Read on to learn more.   

Articles from Issue 2 


In this section, Chase Malia explains to you all about 3 species of nature. Additionally, Finn Taylor explains to you why you should adopt a dog.  Click on the image to check out these articles. 

Around The World

In this section, Sammy Goldman explains to you all about Andorra. Additionally, Charles Isaac Rabinowitz, Elizabeth Kimball. and Angelina Rosa show you 3 amazing places you might want to consider going to during Spring Break! Click on the image to check out these articles.  


In this section, Henry Egan will tell you all about macOS Monterey. Additionally, Dylan Nemore shows you how to take a screen shot on chromeOS. 

Lots going on at HKMS!

In this section, we are making cupcakes. Ooh! Cupcakes! If you don't have anything to do, why not bake some delicious sweets? Rhys Ouellette will show you how!

Sport Section

In this section, Nicholas Modafferi will tell us about the most recent sports games, including the recent Super Bowl!

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