Primary 4A Class Blog - November 22

Welcome back!

It has been another great block in Primary 4A with lots of super learning! Please read below to find out more about what we have been doing in class this month.


Throughout November we have all came on leaps and bounds in literacy! We have explored both persuasive and letter writing and have created some excellent pieces of work - most recently, we each wrote a letter to Murray, our class bear, trying to persuade him to come home with each of us for the weekend. Each letter included fantastic persuasive language and they have made Murray's decision of who to go home with each week even harder!

This month we have also continued to focus on our spelling and have been trying different active ways of learning our weekly spelling words. We particularly enjoy window spelling and graffiti spelling!


Our numeracy learning has also continued to flourish this block as we have explored lots of different mathematical concepts.

We have enjoyed learning practical mathematical skills such as how to measure the length and weight of everyday objects and think about how this skill is useful in the real world. We have also spent time looking at the order of operations and trying to create the most complicated BODMAS style questions that we can think of! 

Additionally, we have looked at symmetry and how to create patterns with 2 lines of symmetry (have a look at the pictures to see our learning).

Recently, we have also explored our times tables and thought about all the different ways you can ask a multiplication question, as well as the importance of place value when adding and subtracting.

We continue to practice our mental maths skills every day with Daily Dozen and have enjoyed using the new skills we have learned recently to solve problems.

Other Curricular Areas


During this block we have been focusing on gymnastics during our PE lessons. We have explored different jumps, balances and rolls throughout the month and finished this block of learning by creating our own routines! 

Plastic Pollution 

To bring together all of our learning on plastic pollution, for the past 2 weeks we have been creating a PowerPoint presentation to showcase our learning. We have been able to share great learning on the benefits of plastics, the problems with plastics, and what we should do to help the environment.  

Interfaith Week

During Interfaith Week (13th - 20th Nov) we explored different world religions. In particular, we researched Passover and created posters to display our learning, which we later presented to the class!

We have started presenting our Interfaith Week home learning projects to the class this week and have shared some great learning with our peers - we can't wait to see and hear the rest!

Other Pictures

Please click through the photos to explore some more of our learning. 😊