September 2022

Welcome to our first Class Blog update! Read the information below to find out what we have been doing in September.

Literacy and Languages

In Literacy, our 'Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' focus has been hugely popular with the children! Children have participated in a range of activities associated with the different texts in the series, applying their understanding within literacy experiences and throughout the curriculum. In the Primary 2 shared atrium space, we have set up a Lighthouse Keeper's kitchen and built different lighthouse structures. Some of the children have even attempted to build a pulley from the kitchen to the 'lighthouse' within the atrium!

In groups, children are reading texts aloud and are working to develop their fluency by using their phonological awareness and knowledge of sounds and letter patterns. Many of the children are incorporating expression within their reading, using clues within the text to alter their voice appropriately.

As the children are developing their tools for reading, they are further developing a range of strategies to help them read. We have been focusing on prediction this month, using clues from what we have read or watched to predict what we think may happen next.

What can you do at home to support?

  • Read, Read, Read! We love sharing stories in Primary 2 Bravo and I know that many children already love to read with you at home. There is overwhelming evidence to show that parents and carers reading at home to their children will positively impact their academic progress. If this is not possible, platforms such as Giglets and Youtube can read stories aloud to your children as they develop their ability to read independently. If I can support you with this or offer any advice, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Ask your children questions about what they have read or watched. This can help children to develop valuable comprehension skills and apply the reading strategies they will be learning in class.

Numeracy and Mathematics

The children have been working hard to develop their knowledge of number and number processes. This particular focus on number has enabled learners to grow more confident in sequencing numbers, recognising the value of different numbers and being able to recognise number bonds. The children have really enjoyed working with larger numbers and I have been so impressed at their enthusiasm to embrace additional challenge.

Number Talks has provided an invaluable opportunity for learners to collaborate together when solving problems and to share their logic and reasoning with others. It has further widened the children's understanding of number and associated number processes.

We have also had a look at 2D shape and their properties and are extending our use of vocabulary to edges and vertices.

What can you do at home to support?

  • Encourage your children to use their maths skills in real life contexts. Can your children help you count items, measure ingredients or pay with coins and notes in the shop?

Other Curricular Areas

Across the curriculum, the children have seized opportunities to apply their learning in real life contexts. We are now looking to plan our new class context for learning of the Solar System and Outer Space after the September weekend. In PE, we have been working hard to develop our skills in throwing, dribbling and shooting the ball. This has proven very popular with the football fans in the class! In Health and Wellbeing, the children have been learning with Mr Johnson about what is needed to be a great friend and have been challenged to show acts of kindness both in the classroom and the playground.

Some recent snaps from Primary 2 Bravo...

C and J love to dig for treasure in the sandpit!

Great building from L and A!

E and A loved decorating their Lighthouse Keeper biscuits!

P and J searching for shapes outdoors!