November 2022

Welcome to our monthly Class Blog update! Read the information below to find out what we have been doing in November.

Literacy and Languages

In Literacy, the children are continuing to engage with a range of different texts. Each day after story time, the children have an opportunity to discuss their preferred texts and to comment on what they thought about the story we have read together. This is developing the children's ability to share their thoughts and feelings, along with respecting the differing views of others.

The children are continuing to developing a range of reading skills and strategies through our Daily Literacy Learning (DLL) programme. It has been lovely to see the children becoming familiarised with the different DLL rotations and beginning to build their independence when working through their task maps. Even in these early stages, there are positive signs indicating that the children's progress in reading has been positively impacted as a result of this programme.

In writing, the children have been learning to sequence instructions in the correct order. They have also been learning about the importance of creating instructions that are clear and easy to follow. Many of the children have used this knowledge to create instructions of their own. More recently, the children have been learning to share their experiences, with a focus on extending the volume of their writing and shifting forward from descriptive detail to sharing their thoughts and feelings. The recount writing from our recent Glasgow Science Centre trip was of an excellent standard.

In listening and talking, the children have been learning to take turns when interacting with one another. They have been recognising the features of 'active listening' - including eye contact, smiling and gestures/movements. This is interlinked with our work on sharing information with a clear voice and increasing confidence. The quality of the Primary 2 space presentations have been excellent- I have been hugely impressed by the children and their efforts. Thank you for supporting them at home with this.

Numeracy and Maths

The children are continuing to develop their mental strategies through Number Talks. We have recently been working on Near Doubles and are moving on to a focus on partitioning when approaching both addition and subtraction processes. The children are continuing to work well in their learning partners to work through problems and to share their logic and reasoning with one another.

Our upcoming Number Talks focus on partitioning ties in with many of our children learning about the value of different digits within a number (units, tens and hundreds). We are starting to explore larger numbers within a range of maths concepts, particularly in money and measure. Some of the children have recently been learning about weight and have been able to use their knowledge of mass and scale to compare, estimate and measure the weights of different objects.

Some of our children have been learning about 2D shapes and what shapes can be used to create tiling patterns. We have particularly enjoyed using magnetic shapes to design and build our tiling patterns.

Other Curricular Areas

In PE, both Primary 2 classes have worked hard with Mr Milligan and Mrs Allan to develop skills in team work as part of our recent rebound games focus. It has been lovely to see the children working well with each other in new pairings and teams. Next term, our PE focus will be Scottish social dancing and fitness.

We are currently finishing up our Space and Solar System class context for learning, and will choose a new context together and will plan for this next term.

With December approaching, we will be focusing on the history around the Christmas story and the children will be engaged in associated activities between now and the Winter break.

Here are some snaps of the children having a great time on their trip to Glasgow Science Centre...

And here are some extra snaps of this hardworking bunch in November...