Teacher Appreciation Week

By Annika Venegas

Although we all know this year has been incredibly difficult for students, it has also been challenging for teachers. With remote learning and a new 7 period schedule, we students found it hard to adapt but so did the teachers. Through many schedule and remote followed by hybrid changes, teachers have faced a lot of uncertainty this past school year. Teachers have had to adapt quicker than students to these new changes: having to plan their lessons around our unique school year. On top of this, we as students have become unmotivated and unwilling to show much effort. I believe that teaching has become as difficult as ever, and we as students should be more appreciative of our teachers.

To get a better understanding of what it’s like to be a teacher these days, I interviewed Ms. Heinen, the head of the English Department and teacher of 11.5 years. She says, “This year has been one of the most difficult years of teaching.” She adds, “Not having responses and students not turning their cameras on have been the most difficult aspects of teaching.” Ms. Heinen misses being able to read facial expressions to gauge the understanding of her students. She wishes students would know that “The majority of teachers are trying to be as flexible as possible by giving students freedom to turn in assignments late, letting students having their phone and other electronics on in the background, and not assigning as much homework.” To confirm, Ms. Heinen is not the only teacher trying to be more flexible. Teachers from different subject areas have mostly all decreased the amount of work they are assigning. I believe that this is another reason teachers should be appreciated during this week and beyond!

What is teacher appreciation week?

It is one week dedicated to teachers across the nation to celebrate and thank them for their hard work. This year it is from May 3rd-May 7th. Although this week has already passed, you can still show your appreciation; it is not limited to this week!

What I can do to show my appreciation?

There are many ways to show you are grateful for your teachers, whether you are doing school remotely or hybrid. You can write them e-cards, a sweet email, a handwritten letter or even bake something for them! You can also turn on your camera on and even say thank you to them! Don’t be shy to show your gratitude! Try to show your gratitude to at least one teacher before the end of the school year!

Thank you to all the teachers in our school for all your hard work and endless patience. In times of uncertainty like this, thank you for being supportive and encouraging us to be our best selves. Your work does not go unnoticed. We students appreciate everything you do!

During Teacher Appreciation Week this year NHS members handed out sweet treats to our teachers. Remember, there are many ways to show your appreciation for your teachers!