This Year I was Proud of: Senior Edition

By Natalie Chavez

This is for the seniors! I want to say a big congratulations to all of the seniors!!! I am very proud of the way they went about their year. I know it wasn’t the best, but you all stayed as positive as possible!!

I sent out a Google Form to all of the seniors that attend Elmwood Park High School and asked, “What were you proud of this year?” A few responses are shared below.

Jaysha Roman

“I am proud to say that I am a graduate but thanks to everyone and all the staff in the EPHS for helping me get past my four years of High School and preparing me a whole lot more for college and my life after that too. I’m proud to say this year and the years in the past were fairly difficult to accomplish but I still managed to get past it all and onto bigger, better things in my life and future. Again a big shout out and thanks to all the staff who helped me grow and change my ways and be more mature. I appreciate everyone I have met throughout the four years, they have definitely changed me in many ways. I wish nothing but the best for everyone and myself as we continue on in life and stay safe. A big thanks to Coach Argena as well for basketball, life couldn’t be handled any easier if she didn’t help me get through it. I’m proud to say I am a graduate from the EPHS and with me being a graduate all thanks and appreciation goes to the people I surrounded myself with the past four years.”

Annika Venegas

"I was proud that I still maintained mostly all As and I stayed involved in the school. I also got into most of the colleges I applied to this year, and I am ecstatic that I will be attending the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign this Fall!"

Damaris Alonso

“This year I was proud of the fact that I actually made it this far all on my own.”

Melody Velez

“What I am proud of this year is actually getting over my writer's block and writing a bunch of different works, whether they are general outlines or full fledged short stories. I’ve been trying to get my stories written for years, but I haven’t been able to actually sit down and write them until quarantine hit. The pandemic gave me the time to do so. Now I just need to work on getting a longer story published.”

Samia Aljaradat

“I am proud of myself for getting Elmwood Park Women's Club Scholarship, for getting into NHS, for having a GPA higher than 4.0, for receiving the Principal's Award and the Assistant Principal's Award for the EPHS Winter Art Show, for receiving high Honor Roll, and for getting into The Honors College at UIC.”