Dear Future Seniors

Dear future seniors,

You will most likely not look back on your four years of high school too fondly. These may have been the four most awkward years of your life or the four toughest years of your life. You will probably not look back on these years exclaiming how much you wish you could re-do them, but the one guaranteed feeling you will have at some point is one of appreciation.

You probably do not know this yet but these four years are the most transformative years of your life. The person you are today may or may not be the person you are when you walk across the stage to receive your diploma… and that is okay! As we transition into adulthood, it is perfectly fine to change because, in actuality, you are just growing. Whether that entails the way you look or the way you think, each and every one of us grows and goes through changes. I mean, you are reading something from a girl who went from awkward and sweaty to confident and, still, a little sweaty. We all must grow to realize the person we want to be, and I have a feeling you will most certainly grow to be one stellar human being.

If there is one thing I have learned it is that high school is nothing like what they portray it to be in the media and, for the longest time, I wondered why people had such a hard time capturing it. Just write about a regular person who wakes up early in the morning and goes to school is what I thought. I racked my brain for answers as to why this was the case until it hit me all at once: the reason directors, artists, writers, etc. cannot properly depict the experience of a high school student is due to the fact that it is too complex of an experience. We go through a multitude of different things over the span of these four years, from break-ups, to make-ups, and even mental breakdowns, but I have found that these moments tend to give us the tenacity we need to continue on in a world full of challenges. I have no doubt that you will overcome any adversity thrown your way…I mean, you made it this far in life!

It is always important to remember that there is no need to fret over the small things. I know it may seem like that one not-so-hot hairstyle you did will haunt you forever or your skirt getting caught in between your back and book bag revealing your tights will be the only thing people remember about you, but that is not true (if it was, people would probably call me “tights girl” or some other lame, generic name). High school can feel embarrassing and weird at times, but you should not care so much, just relax. Yes, that skirt incident is something I think about quite often when I am lying awake in bed, but I am able to laugh about it since I know no one else even remembers it. We all have an abundance of things going on in our lives, so I am fairly certain no one will end up remembering or caring about everything you deem embarrassing. Not to mention that what you find to be “life-shattering” and “mortifying” others probably do not even notice. Just be yourself and know that anything “embarrassing/awkward” that happens now will not matter in ten years...maybe even five.

If there is one thing I cannot stress enough it is that you should always keep in mind that you are wonderful in every sense of the word. You are strong, and you are going to be alright. I know that these four years can be hard and it may feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, but, I assure you, it is not. I believe in you and I am sure so many others do, too. Just keep on pushing on, and always remind yourself that you are a strong Tiger!

A graduating gal,

Angelyce W.S.