Advice from a Senior

By: Z.L.D

Hi, underclassmen! I wrote an excerpt reflecting on my high school experience and shared some advice. Enjoy!

They say “high school doesn’t last least that’s what one of my favorite people I met at this school told me. She was a year older than me and was graduating early to join the military. I told her, “Yeah I know; I hope it goes by fast.” But as the days left until graduation come sooner than I can comprehend, I can’t help but repeat the same advice.

4 years. 4 years does not last forever. No matter what you are going through right now in high school, use that as a reminder. Through the good and the bad, remind yourself, these times don’t last forever. I would say take advantage of the moment you are in and don’t take it for granted. But I know all too well all this advice sounds corny and cliche.

If you asked me to sum up my whole high school experience in one word, I simply couldn’t. Unless there’s a word that combines exciting, fun, joyful, nerve wracking, stressful, frustrating, and annoying into one word then, well, I’m out of luck. I couldn’t tell you what high school was like in one word because there isn’t one. It’s just a big compilation of feelings and experiences from the past 4 years.

But if you ask me if I’m satisfied with how it went, I would say yes. Strangely enough, if I think about my 4 years, I can’t really remember the bad moments like trying to remember 30 vocab words in one night, studying for too many AP tests, all the mornings I dreaded waking up for, or getting into an argument with one of my friends. Instead, I remember the good parts. I remember the moments I hung out with upperclassmen when I was a freshman, the moments I was laughing so hard I cried, and that euphoric feelings I have when I'm with my friends. I can’t help but smile and be grateful for those moments. And I think you will, too! Those moments where you feel like your hard work paid off or when you make a new friend are the times that will stick with you forever. One of the best moments I had in high school was when I decided to take advantage of the moment by going to Homecoming with people who are not a part of my main group of friends, and I ended up having the most fun at the dance! I was glad I went because the next year, with the pandemic, there was not Homecoming, so I was glad I took advantage of the moment.

So, I would say try to take advantage of the situation you're in. I know school was all very difficult for us this year with remote learning. There were many moments when I didn’t know what to do with myself because I was so frustrated, but, as this crazy year comes to an end, I am ecstatic of how I still managed to get good grades and be involved. Don’t be shy to step outside of your comfort zone because I highly doubt you’ll regret it later.

High school definitely cannot be described in one word for most people...that is for sure. And it sure isn’t like what the movies portray high school as. But, trust me, enjoy it while it lasts; your 4 years will fly!

Best of luck,

A 2021 Graduate