Family and Consumer Science
Credit: 0.5 (Semester) - Elective: HS - Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite Recommendation: None
Course content includes an overview of many topics that influence life: how the psychology behind advertising/marketing influences our buying choices, how eating disorders develop and are treated, how to fix and create garments using the hand-sewing technique, basic cooking and safe food handling skills, human development over the lifespan, parenting philosophies, and successful relationship theories. Students will be required to complete two research projects that are accompanied by presentations, as well as several hands-on projects. This class will give students an opportunity to learn and try many subjects that they encounter in everyday life.
Credit: 0.5 (Semester) - Elective: HS, SHS - Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite Recommendation: Intro to Family Consumer Sciences
Course content includes units on daily nutritional requirements, selection of food, preparation techniques, food sanitation, social skills and time management. Students will be required to complete a research project about the modern food industry, conduct a live food demo, and complete various foods labs.
Credit: 0.5 (Semester) - Elective: HS, SHS - Grade Level(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite Recommendation: Intro to Family Consumer Sciences
This course will explore the basic ingredients and preparation techniques used in the making of bread, pastry, and cake products, as well as the physical and molecular changes from preparation and serving. Emphasis will be placed on breads, rolls, doughs, batters, frostings, and cakes. Since this class is project and group-based, students also hone their social and soft skills for the professional world. We learn about professional feedback, leadership, teamwork, time management, and many other aspects of what it takes to be a person and professional that people want to hire and work with.
Credit: 0.5 (Semester) - Elective: HS, SHS - Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite Recommendation: Intro to Family Consumer Sciences
This course is designed to meet students at his/her current level of sewing currently, whatever that may be. At first, students will complete activities that hone foundational sewing skills. From there, students will make five garments/personal items. From there, students set their own educational goals for the class and pick their own projects, as approved by the instructor. Since this course welcomes students of all different skill levels, students naturally work at different paces and choose varying levels of projects in the latter part of the class. This course is designed as a studio art class, where students work on projects throughout the semester. Fabric for most projects will be supplied by the student.
Credit: 0.5 (Semester) - Elective: HS, SHS - Grade Level(s): 11, 12
Prerequisite Recommendation: Intro to Family Consumer Sciences
This course studies all relationships, including those found in the personal and professional life. The first part of the course has a heavy focus on romantic and family relationships, and then moves onto other types. Together we will look at research and leading experts’ findings on what makes successful relationships. Some units included are: dating, engagement, marriage adjustment, budgeting, team dynamics, domestic abuse, conflict resolution, commitment, team work, communication, expectations, and issues that influence relationships to be stronger. For students who are interested in helping professions and social sciences, this class will be especially helpful. However, the course content is relatable and helpful for all since everyone has relationships.