English Language Development

1080 English Language Development I

Credit: 1.0 (Full Year) - Assigned - Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite Recommendation: Students identified as ELL and WIDA W- APT of ACCESS assessment results

This course is designed for Entering Level English Language Learners who have received a cumulative score between 1 and 2 on the WIDA W-APT or ACCESS assessments. Students will develop foundational English language skills in the domains of Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening in alignment with the Pennsylvania English Language Proficiency Standards.   

1081 English Language Development II

Credit: 1.0 (Full Year) - Assigned - Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite Recommendation: Students identified as ELL and WIDA W- APT of ACCESS assessment results

This course is designed for Beginning and Developing Level English Language Learners who have received a cumulative score between a 2 and 4 on the WIDA W-APT or ACCESS assessments. Students will develop foundational English language skills in the domains of Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening in alignment with the Pennsylvania English Language Proficiency Standards. 

1082 English Language Development III

Credit: 1.0 (Full Year) - Assigned - Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite Recommendation: Students identified as ELL and WIDA W- APT of ACCESS assessment results

This course is designed for Beginning and Developing Level English Language Learners who have received a cumulative score between a 3 and 4 on the WIDA W-APT or ACCESS assessments. Students will develop foundational English language skills in the domains of Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening in alignment with the Pennsylvania English Language Proficiency Standards.

1084 English Language Development IV

Credit: 1.0 (Full Year) - Assigned - Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite Recommendation: Students identified as ELL and WIDA W- APT of ACCESS assessment results

This course is designed for Beginning and Developing Level English Language Learners who have received a cumulative score between a 3 and 4 on the WIDA W-APT or ACCESS assessments. Students will develop foundational English language skills in the domains of Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening in alignment with the Pennsylvania English Language Proficiency Standards.