Sales & Marketing


An Introduction To Sales Coaching To Enhance Sales Performance

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At the heart of every organization is the need to maximize sales performance from its sales team, regardless of business size or industry. Whilst there are many paths to achieve this, sales coaching is a powerful tool to assist organizations hungering for sales growth.

This program will shed some light into the why, what and how aspects of Sales Coaching using the TACM Process and 4D Engagement Model.

Dhena Komathi Doraisamy

Level Up Your Social Media Platforms

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Understanding how powerful Social Media is in this era. Learning and understanding how to sweat our Social Media Platforms to provide leads and conversions. Adapting available strategies to suit business needs.


The Missing First Step in Digital Marketing

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Discover what is the MISSING First Step in Growing Your Business Online. How to create an impressive online presence to position yourself as an Expert for Sales Conversion.

Loo Beng Siew

Winning The Hearts and Minds Of Your Customers

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"People Buy People First" and in order for 'people to buy you' sales professionals must be able to engage the emotions and logic of their customers or prospects. In this session, participants will be exposed to the techniques to create an engaging conversation with their customers.


The Game of Dating: What The Dating Game Taught Me About Marketing & Sales

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Marketing and sales is like dating and falling in love. You do business for profits. You date for companionship. So, no matter what business you are doing, you are in the business of marketing and sales. Learn a simple framework and tips that has helped over 300 local startups to strategise their marketing and sales activities.